College RULES AND Regulation

1. At the time of admission, every student will have to sign a declaration on the admission form that the/she will abide by all the rules and regulations of the college and university, and accept the decision of the Principal in all matters as final.

2. The College is an ragging free institution. If any one found guilty by our Anti-Ragging Committee then we takes strict action against him / her.

3. If the behavior of the students outside the college affects the image of the college, appropriate action may be taken within the principles of equity and justice.

4. Absence from college must be justified in writing and if illness is the cause, a medical certificate must be submitted.

5. Those who absent themselves from tests or examinations without the sanction of the Principal, they make themselves liable to disciplinary action. No prizes are awarded to any student who has missed a college examination for any reason.

6. Although illness or other serious circumstances may be considered as valid reasons for absence from lectures, tests, tutorials and examinations, failure to submit assignments, or unjustified absence from tests seriously prejudice a student’s academic record. If, after a warning, a student persistently continues not to conform to college requirements, he/she can be asked to discontinue the course.

7. Failure on the part of a student to observe rules and regulations regarding teaching practice may also result in the student being asked to continue his/her studies in the next session with special permission obtained by the University.

8. Students leaving the city for any of the holiday periods are expected to make their arrangements according to the college/University calendar.

9. Regularity of attendance is essential for students as per University norms.

10. Deputed teachers should submit their last pay/Other certificates within 15th July of each year.

11. Students should present their ID cards for collection of Library Cards, examination forms, caution money and for availing other facilities.

12. From the library students can get two books at a time for home issue. They will have to take library clearance certificate before issuance of mark sheet for Semester 1, II, III and IV.

13. Discipline should be strictly maintained, during Internship in schools. Regularity during execution learning design is very essential.

14. Proper dress code has to be followed meticulously.


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